Photocredit: National Museum of Natural History
I remember the toys and games I played in my childhood
I kept some of them for decades even when I was old
The doll from my grandmother
The hair sometimes straight, curled, braided or in pony tail
The cutout paper dolls, I colored, painted and cut paper to make their clothes.
The toy radio clock that played Hickory Dickory Dock Rhyme and tells time
I remember the stuff toy cat
with fur so soft and lifelike
I treated it like a pet kitten
I remember how I would
Take the sticks from a broom and make kites
I remember how we run to make it fly
I remember the sticks we took from broomsticks
We made hanging lanterns
that light up the night
As we grow older,
Many stop playing
But I will never forget how much
Joy they bring
"All grown ups were once children
but only a few remember it"
"Antoine de Saint- Exupery"