In a quiet remote , undeveloped beach
I remember finding starfishes of
various colors, sizes and shapes
I remembering walking and wandering
observing the minute creatures
from little crabs to tiny fishes,
I remember the sea shells big and small
I remember the varied patterns and
ridges on the pebbles and stones
After four decades, I returned to the same area
it is no longer quiet , remote and undeveloped
but the surprise is underneath the sea
I walked to the shore and swam a few feet
with my little girl and a guide to help me
We found ourselves swimming among
millions of sardines, moving in unison
like tornado disrupted by our presence
I was amazed not just by the experience
that is new but by the fact that
that this was the same remote beach
I remember in my childhood
When I was young, there was no Sardine run
It was only a decade ago that
the natural phenomenon began
My curious mind cant help
and be fascinated at what I saw
when you see what nature brings
you can't help but be in awe
Then my mind asks questions
when and why did they come
When one sees the splendor of nature first hand,
the desire to preserve it and conserve it
Still stands