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Roman Holiday

Before there was social media

Before friendsters, facebook,

instagram and tiktok

I was here 25 years ago

walking the cobbled streets of Rome

Before mobile phones that

take video and pictures

I was here 25 years ago

taking pictures using camera

and film that needed to be developed

amazed at the sites I saw

I took some pictures

the kind of photos

that cannot be photoshopped

I remember the paintings,

I remember the architecture,

I remember the joy it brings

I was here 25 years ago

celebrated a birthday

I am here again celebrating

not just one birthday but 2

Despite the intense heat and


there is amazement and joy

there were some surprises too

places I did not know and

things I did not plan to do

In a Roman Holiday

on an extremely hot summer day

I am here

and I remember

I was here

25 years ago

I do not love what I love

just 5 minutes ago


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