Here are the numbers
The estimated population in USA as of 2024 is 345,426,571
Population of women in USA is 169.87 million
How many of those women gave birth to male sons
whom they fed, rocked to sleep and taught to read?
Do the math.
How many presidents are male :46 and recently: 47
How many are women: 0
How many times was there a woman candidate in a major party
in presidential elections: 2
1 white, 1colored
How old is America: 248 years old.
You mean we can't get a woman to represent half
of the population? not even once since the birth of America?
You mean majority of citizens of the leader of the supposed to be
the free world,
land of the free, home of the brave
by their own free choice not to get more than half of the population
have a representation in the highest seat of office of the land,
not even once since the great forefathers founded this country?
Were those 2 women not capable enough,
not competent enough, not experienced enough?
Not strong enough? not funny enough, not crazy enough?
what is enough? when will it ever be enough?
I would like to know how majority these days define the word STRENGTH
I understand Patience is a virtue but is 248 years of waiting really not long enough?
Isn't this the home of some of the world greatest minds, scientist, artists?
Isn't this the place that attracted Einstein and other innovators from all over the world,
bringing with them ideas that benefitted us?
When you do the Math
Without doubt, we all can agree
It absolutely does not make any sense.