" Nature has spread for us a delightful banquet- shall we turn from it? We are still in Eden; the wall that shuts us out of the garden is our ignorance and folly"
--- Thomas Cole ( 1801-1848) American Landscape painter
Dare to be Wild movie trailer

Dare to be wild is a romantic adventure movie based on the true story of Mary Reynolds and Christy Collard . I wrote this poem to celebrate this inspiring movie.
Deserts can still bloom
In the hands of the few
You may not be able to convince a legion
To fulfill a mission
But a heart that is true
will never falter
Mary Reynolds is a landscape designer
who finds peace and joy
among wild ferns and flowers
for it is where truth and beauty lies
Betrayed by Dublin's celebrities,
She succeeded despite the many challenges
Because in the end,
when you want something that is true
the universe will conspire to someday help you
She did not spend time in nature
because she was a recluse
nor did she join the Chelsea flower show
and share her love for nature
just to boost her ego
When one has seen real beauty
You think her motive is vanity?
When she saw trees grow in the desert
Is that insanity?
She did not have a traumatic past to run away from
other than the unkindness of some
Thank God she has kind friends
and Christy Collard as a partner
who is good and genuine
She dared to have lofty dreams
and she was tenacious
To dare, to dream is not just about risks and bravery
To walk in nature is never a lonely journey.
You can call it illusion of grandeur
I say it is a love story